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Do you support Gay Marriage? Why?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hi, my name is Adam and I am excited for the opportunity to address the arguments and debates surrounding the issue of gay marriage. Personally I believe homosexuals should be afforded all the rights that heterosexual citizens enjoy, including the right to enter into a legal, recognized marriage with the one they love and want to spend their life with. This quote from Martin Luther King Jr. in a letter from Birmingham jail defines my position on the issue:

"An unjust law is (one that a) majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. ... "Lamentably, it is an historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up there privileges voluntarily."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

The fact that the members of the homosexual minority group in the United States are not allowed to legally marry is, in my opinion, an unjust provision in United States law and a privilege that some Americans within the majority are too stubborn to allow others to experience. To me, this is a matter that should be examined through public opinion and the concept of equal social rights, not in terms of religious values or the traditional/institutional nature of marriage. However all of these angles must be covered to get a true picture of the debate surrounding same sex marriage and I am excited to get started...

"There’s no reason that the government should prevent homosexuals from entering civil marriages because some religions object to the concept, any more than the government should ban atheism because some religions object to it."
-Lisa Pampuch Newspaper Columnist

Check back for updates and I am welcome to arguments and opinions on all sides of the issue.


  1. This argument could be tied into the separation of church and state. If we truly are a nation that divides the two (which is a whole new debate in itself) then how has the "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" argument blinded the courts and legal system for this long?

  2. You bring up an excellent point and you can look back to the Bush presidency, which certainly embraced conservative religious values and brought God into the White House, to see that church and state are perhaps not as separate as we would like to think.
