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Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog Refutation: It’s more than just rights.

Hey all. Well as I was browsing the net for some nonsense written by people who are against gay marriage, I came upon a blog called “Killing the Gay Marriage Movement Obama-style”. The blog pretty much said that the move by Obama to grant gays and lesbians a bunch of rights, particularly medical rights, completely destroyed “the fundamental argument for gay marriage”.

I followed up on the info, and the blog was referring to an article in the Washington Post. Obama “mandated Thursday that nearly all hospitals extend visitation rights to the partners of gay men and lesbians and respect patients' choices about who may make critical health-care decisions for them.” Although it’s a step in the right direction, it is only that, a step. The blog stated that now that gays have gained a couple more rights they can leave the whole idea of marriage alone. It said that now that gays have gotten these rights the issue that the whole argument for gay marriage stands on is no longer viable and we no longer have any argument.

Anyways, the blog incorrectly summed up the whole of the arguments for gay marriage to be about getting the equal rights that only comes with marriage. This is totally incorrect. Gay marriage is not only about getting access to the rights that come with marriage. It’s about more than that. It’s about the principle of the thing. Giving gays rights but still refusing them marriage is not equality. We do not just want pieces, we want the whole package. Marriage. The fight for gay marriage goes beyond just attaining rights, which this blog completely misunderstood. This is a failure on their part; you can’t make an argument against an argument if you don’t understand their whole argument. Since medical rights aren’t the fundamental arguments behind the fight for gay marriage this blog is far from a valid point.

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