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Monday, April 19, 2010

Citations of a Religious Matter

Hey, its Amena again....
So its time for some citations. Im going off of Alex's recent post about gay marriage in the religious context. I found a couple interesting things on the subject including a scholarly article, a blog and a cartoon. So for the first...

The article's title is "Gay Marriage as a Religious Right: Reframing the Legal Debate over Gay Marriage in the United States". the article was written by Debra L. DeLaet and Rachel Paine Caufield, both professors at Drake university.
The article discusses the implications of framing the argument for gay rights around the idea of "religious rights" as opposed to "civil rights". The article talks about the definition of marriage in terms of religion, and discusses the advent of religious freedom in the united states and what that means for gay rights. The article also discusses the limitations of uaing the religious rights framework.
i think that this article is very useful. It thoroughly discusses the idea of religious rights in order to apply it to the arguments for gay marriage. Although looking at the agument for gay marriage with the religious rights framework has some limitations, it provides another evidence in support of the argument. Therefore this article is very useful because it provides plenty of credible sources to back up its argument.

The secound citation I found was a blog titled, "The Persuit of happiness: an inalienable right for the straight" written by Naomi Camilleri.
The blog discusses the definition of marriage in relation to religion. It discusses the definition of marriage as stated in scripture and other doctrines. The blog argues that the idea of marriage in religion has changed, and therefore could be still further changed to allow same sex marriage. It also argues that despite religious reasoning, freedom and rights of the constitution holds that everyone has the right to happiness despite any particular religious beleifs. furthermore, one's own religious beliefs should not be forced on others.
I think this blog is useful to the overall argument for gay marriage because it provides several good arguments, and provides evidence from scripture for the arguments given. This blog focuses on the right to happiness, which is a very strong point for the argument for gay marriage.

The third citation is actually a cartoon image. Although the cartoon doesnt comprise of much I think it says alot and makes a very good point. The cartoon was uploaded to and doesnt have a specified author.
The cartoon is making a point that religion and religious leaders, particularly catholics, do not have any right to make an argument against gay marriage stating that it is unnatural when they themselves practice an unnatural act. This cartoon discredits the religious argument against gay marriage.
This is very useful because it is putting things into perspective, and putting light on the double standards that comes with alot of arguments that are stated against gay marriage. I thought this cartoon was actually quite amusing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. really interesting stuff, I had never though of using religion as an argument FOR gay marriage and I found the statement, "The blog argues that the idea of marriage in religion has changed, and therefore could be still further changed to allow same sex marriage" very encouraging. And I love the cartoon...when it comes to homosexuality the catholic church is not really one to talk.
